Here Are Some Vintage Gadgets Worth More Than You Think

Gadgets are great for simplifying everyday tasks, entertainment, and leisure activities but aren’t free from drawbacks. As technology evolves with time, every gadget is destined to become obsolete at some point in time. In earlier years, people used to place old gadgets in their storeroom or garage, and let dust settle on them for years. However, the rising trend of collecting vintage items is restoring their worth, making them more valuable than before.

According to a 2022 study, three in five US consumers frequently buy vintage items, while many others expressed how much they miss the shopping experience of the past. So, let’s explore some of the most in-demand vintage gadgets that can fetch you a fortune and see how many you have.

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Sony Walkman

Launched in 1979, this portable cassette player changed the way people listened to music. They became a rage in the 1980s and were popularly called ‘personal stereos’ of brands and producers. Sony sold approximately 250 million units of these portable audio devices, but its demand eventually fizzled with the launch of more sophisticated versions.

However, the popularity of these iconic gadgets has witnessed revival among the collectible community. These vintage gadgets are now selling for as high as USD 1,999 on Etsy.

The First iPhone

Apple launched its first iPhone in 2007 for a retail price of $599. This model featured a 3.5-inch screen, internet capabilities, 4 GB and 8 GB storage options, a 2-megapixel camera, iTunes, etc., which gathered people’s attention and created a steady demand.

While these phones lose relevance with every new model launch, the case is different for the first iPhone. According to a CNN report, an original iPhone was auctioned in 2023 and was sold at $63,000.

Nintendo 64

The release of Nintendo 64 changed the face of the gaming industry in 1996. What made this gadget a huge success was its party design. The machine had four port controllers, so multiple people could play it together and have fun.

Its games, like Mario Party, Donkey Kong 64, and Mario Kart 64, are still fresh in people’s memories and can instantly invoke nostalgia. This is why it holds a high vintage value and was recently purchased by one for $64,646.

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Tamagotchi 1996

‘90s kids have fond memories of playing with numerous gadgets and toys that were fun to have, but Tamogotchi 1996 is perhaps their most favorite. This handheld egg watch created a cult following soon after its release in Japan, America, Europe, and other countries.

It became the ideal solution for kids who wanted pets but were not ready to take on the responsibilities that come with them. The nostalgia factor attached to this digital watch has spiked its vintage worth, making sellers list it for as high as $2,979.

Original 128K Macintosh

Everyone loves Apple products because of their sleek designs, futuristic features, and safety protocols, but few have witnessed the magnificence of the original 128K Macintosh.

This was Apple’s first computer equipped with 128k RAM, a 9-inch monochrome display, a mouse, a keyboard, etc. While its value in today’s normal retail market would be almost nil because of the availability of high-end, sophisticated devices, vintage lovers are ready to pay a premium for this retro device. It was recently sold at $16,500 on an auction site.

Nokia 3310

The Nokia 3310 needs no introduction because it is etched in the mobile phone history. It was the first-ever phone used by millions globally that featured a camera-less frame, monochrome display, stopwatch, calculator, and fun games like the legendary Snake II.

Even though this model is old, people still remember it as the first handy, cool phone they owned during their time. If you still have a Nokia 3310 lying in your house, you may get approximately $50 or more.

First Generation iPod

The launch of Apple’s first-generation iPod marked the beginning of the digital music revolution that soon took over the world. It was the first MP3 player that stood out for its usefulness, minimalistic design, and decent 5 GB storage that could easily store 1,000 songs.

This classic iPod was introduced at $399 to the general public in 2001 and became an instant hit. Surprisingly, it’s still in high demand by people who value vintage and antique products. A private collector paid a whopping $29,000 for an iPod sealed in its original packaging.

Atari 2600 VCs

Popularly known as the Atari VCs, kids loved these cartridge-based home gaming consoles for their wide library of fun games. They came bundled with a conjoined pair of paddle controllers, joystick controllers, and a game cartridge.

The cartridge featured some of the best games like Karate, E.T., Gamma Attack, Superman, etc. Since cartridge-based gaming consoles are now hard to find, Atar 2600 VCs are being sold at premium prices. Collectors are already bidding in $800 to $950 ranges to get their hands on these vintage gaming consoles.

LaserDisc Players

These were popular from the 1970s to 1990s period because of their ability to store and play high-quality audio and video content.

They had large storage capacities so people could watch entire movies in one or a maximum of two discs. While these gadgets lost significance with the introduction of the internet, museums and private collectors are still willing to pay hefty prices for these vintage items. Its listing price on online marketplaces is as high as $2,800.

Nintendo Super Nintendo

Famously known as Super Nintendo, these 16-bit video game consoles were first launched in 1990 in Japan. These consoles displayed 2D graphics and had limited support for 3D graphics, making them the best gaming consoles of their time.

What made them massively successful was their library of iconic games like Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Donkey Kong Country, etc. While these consoles were every child’s favorite in the 1990s, they’re still priced high by collectors. It has recently been placed on auction, and the bids have crossed the $3 million mark.

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